Effects of the practice of Pilates in pregnancy: a literature review
Resumo:A gravidez é um dos momentos mais esperados na vida das mulheres. No entanto, alterações biológicas e fisiológicas podem causar muito desconforto e a possibilidade de ocorrência de várias doenças. O exercício pode ser uma boa alternativa para trazer alívio e bem-estar para essas mulheres, e o Pilates, uma das modalidades de exercício que mais cresce no mundo, atualmente é utilizada não somente para condicionamento físico, mas também para reabilitação, prevenção de lesões e promoção da saúde, além de amplamente recomendada como adjuvante no tratamento de várias doenças. No entanto, muitas pessoas entram em um programa de exercícios com o objetivo de ter uma vida mais saudável sem pensar em sua participação contínua. Assim, mulheres grávidas que aderem a um programa de exercícios requerem alguns cuidados e uma avaliação geral da saúde, incluindo riscos médicos e obstétricos. Para tanto, o instrutor de Pilates deve conhecer o público e as necessidades específicas do grupo em questão para verificar se há alguma contra-indicação para o exercício e determinar a melhor frequência, intensidade e quantidade de exercício a ser prescrito. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo revisar os efeitos da prática do Pilates em gestantes durante e após o parto, relacionando seus benefícios e peculiaridades de sua prescrição.
Abstract: Pregnancy is one of the most anticipated moments in women's lives. However, biological and physiological changes cause a lot of discomfort, and the possibility of the occurrence of various diseases. Exercise may be a good alternative to bring relief and welfare to these women and Pilates, one of the fastest-growing modalities of exercise in the world which is currently used not only in fitness, but also in rehabilitation, injury prevention and health promotion, is a modality that’s been widely recommended as an adjunct in the treatment of various diseases. Nevertheless, many people step into an exercise program aiming to have a healthier life without thinking in their ongoing participation. Thus, pregnant women adhering to an exercise program require some care and a general health assessment including medical and obstetric risks have to be considered. To this end, the Pilates instructor should know the audience and the specific needs of the group in question to check if there are any contraindications for the exercise and to determine the best frequency, intensity and amount of exercise to be prescribed. Therefore, this paper aims to review the effects of the practice of Pilates in pregnant women during and after labor listing its benefits and peculiarities of its prescription.
Abstract: Pregnancy is one of the most anticipated moments in women's lives. However, biological and physiological changes cause a lot of discomfort, and the possibility of the occurrence of various diseases. Exercise may be a good alternative to bring relief and welfare to these women and Pilates, one of the fastest-growing modalities of exercise in the world which is currently used not only in fitness, but also in rehabilitation, injury prevention and health promotion, is a modality that’s been widely recommended as an adjunct in the treatment of various diseases. Nevertheless, many people step into an exercise program aiming to have a healthier life without thinking in their ongoing participation. Thus, pregnant women adhering to an exercise program require some care and a general health assessment including medical and obstetric risks have to be considered. To this end, the Pilates instructor should know the audience and the specific needs of the group in question to check if there are any contraindications for the exercise and to determine the best frequency, intensity and amount of exercise to be prescribed. Therefore, this paper aims to review the effects of the practice of Pilates in pregnant women during and after labor listing its benefits and peculiarities of its prescription.
bleeding, exercise, hypertension, Pilates, pre-eclampsia, pregnancy